Choosing the Right Admin Job

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Ask yourself these 5 smart questions to find a perfect fit.

Not all administrative assistant jobs are created equal. If you’re searching for your next opportunity, it’s important to consider a few key factors to determine whether a position will be a good fit for you.

Here are five things to keep in mind when considering an administrative job

1. What will my work-life balance be like as an administrative assistant?

One of the most important things to consider when choosing an administrative assistant job is whether it will allow you to maintain your ideal work-life balance. Work is a big part of your life – but it isn’t your entire life. Consider your commute, hours, and potential for overtime or irregular hours when weighing a new role. For example, a position reporting to a very busy, on-the-go executive needing assistance at irregular hours may not be a great fit if you prefer to work at a steady pace and only work during a consistent, pre-determined schedule. 

2. Am I interested in the type of work the business does?

Before accepting an administrative position, be sure this answer is yes. You’re more likely to excel—and enjoy yourself—in a role that’s a good match for your interests and passions. Love animals? A receptionist role at a veterinary office could be a great fit. Are you good with numbers? You could excel at an accounting company. Administrative assistant roles exist across functions and industries, and it’s likely you’ll find one that resonates with you. MyKelly is a great first place to look for inspiration. 

3. How does this job align with my skills and experience?

The next factor to consider is how well a job matches your existing skills and experience. If you’re looking for an opportunity to learn new things and grow your skill set, find a position that offers training and development opportunities.

4. How does this administrative job align with my work style?

Looking for a high-powered job in a fast-paced environment? Or, perhaps a slower paced, behind-the-scenes support position is more your style. No matter your current career aspirations at this time in your life, finding a position that meets those criteria is key to finding a job that fits. While interviewing for an administrative position, ask questions about the pace of work, expected workload, and even the boss’s leadership or communication style. These questions will help you better gauge whether the position is a right fit for you. 

5. What is the team and company culture?

Finally, it’s important to consider company culture, values, and mission to ensure that you’ll be happy and fulfilled in your new role. Prior to interviewing, research questions that will provide insight into the culture during the interview process. If you have the opportunity to meet the team in your interview process, consider how well your personalities could work together (or clash).  

No matter what your priorities and preferences are, there’s an assistant job out there that’s a perfect fit for you. By taking the time to consider your options carefully, you’re sure to find a role that meets all of your needs.

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