How to become a substitute teacher in Maryland.

How to become a substitute teacher in Maryland - map.
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If you’re interested in becoming a substitute teacher in Maryland, this guidance will help you understand the requirements.  

Kelly Education hires hundreds of substitute teachers in Maryland, so we’re the experts in helping people like you to become qualified substitute teachers. 

The requirements to substitute teach in Maryland vary by county. For example, below are the minimum guidelines for becoming a substitute teacher in Baltimore County. However, some counties and school districts may have different minimum requirements. They may require additional steps, which you’ll find in their substitute teacher job description. 

Minimum Maryland requirements, at a glance*:

  • Age: 18 years old 
  • Education: High school diploma or equivalent (May require additional testing without degree) 
  • Employment verification to work in the U.S. 
  • Background check 
  • Fingerprinting 
  • Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misconduct Prevention form  

 In addition to Maryland state requirements, Kelly Education requires:

  • Pre-hire training 
  • New hire orientation 

A deeper dive into substitute teacher requirements.

To become a substitute teacher in Maryland, you don’t need to secure a credential or license from the Maryland Board of Education. That said, you do need to follow a handful of steps to secure the job. It’s also important to remember that completing each step can take some time. 

In the next sections, we discuss substitute teacher certification, education, background screening, and other requirements in more detail. We also include estimated costs and timeframes for each required item. 

Education verification.

Many counties require substitute teachers to have a bachelor’s degree. However, some counties have lowered the education requirement to a high school diploma or equivalent or an associate degree. Some districts require additional basic skills testing if applicants do not hold a bachelor’s degree. In other instances, relevant work experience is also a prerequisite. 

Candidates who need to verify a bachelor’s degree must request transcripts from the issuing college. If a high school diploma or equivalent is the minimum, the candidate must request verification of the diploma or GED from the issuing high school or institution. 

Suppose you only have a high school diploma with some college credits. In that case, it’s best to submit the transcripts for your highest level of schooling, even if you didn’t earn the college degree. Some schools pay more for those with some level of college education. 

Some schools charge a fee for transcript requests, generally between $10 and $15. To manage expectations appropriately, you should allow 3 to 5 days to receive transcripts or verification. 

Employment verification.

All candidates who apply for jobs in the U.S. must provide verification of their eligibility to work here. As a result, employees must complete an I-9 form to verify employment eligibility. As part of the process, two forms of valid I.D. are required and reviewed by the employer. When the district partners with Kelly Education, one of our recruiters helps candidates complete the form, which takes around 10 to 15 minutes. 

Background check and fingerprinting.

Maryland substitute teachers must pass a background check with fingerprinting to work at a school. The cost of a background check with fingerprinting in Maryland can range from $65 to $100. You should allow up to ten days for a background check to be completed. All applicants must also complete the Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misconduct Prevention form. 

Some Maryland counties also require substitute teachers to pass a drug screening as part of the onboarding process. 


Though some Maryland counties may require a specific type of training before securing a job or immediately after, the state does not require any state-wide substitute teacher training program. Kelly Education knows how proper training and preparation set individuals up for success. It’s our policy that all prospective substitute teachers complete free online ClassSmarts training. The training takes about 1.5 hours to complete. 

Kelly Education also requires new hires to complete a New Hire Orientation training covering Kelly Education and district-specific policies and procedures. You are paid for New Hire Orientation training. 

Getting started with Kelly Education and our school district partners. 

Kelly Education works with many Maryland schools to provide substitute teachers who meet the requirements to succeed. If we work with your local school, we’ll help you to launch your substitute teacher career, so the process goes as smoothly as possible. 

You can get started by filling out our interest form. From there, a Kelly Education recruiter will reach out to answer any questions you may have and explain the next steps to becoming a substitute teacher in Maryland. 

Are you ready to make a difference with flexible work that matters? Visit myKelly to learn more and search if we’re in a school near you! 


* Information subject to change. This is a general guideline. School districts may have additional requirements, in addition to state requirements. 


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