How to become a substitute teacher in New Jersey.

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You’ll need to meet several requirements to become a substitute teacher in New Jersey. The good news is that carefully following each step makes it relatively easy to start substitute teaching. 

Below, we share the credentialing requirements necessary to start substitute teaching. Remember that some school districts may require more steps beyond what the state requires to become a substitute teacher. So, always look at the details of the posted job description.  

Kelly Education partners with nearly 25 school districts in New Jersey to recruit and hire substitute teachers. If you are applying to one of those districts, our team will guide you through each step so that the process runs smoothly.  

Minimum New Jersey state requirements, at a glance*:

  • Certification: NJ teaching license or substitute certification 
  • Education: 30 college credit hours 
  • Employment verification to work in the U.S. 
  • Fingerprinting 
  • TB test 

In addition to New Jersey state requirements, Kelly Education requires:

  • Background check 
  • Pre-hire training 
  • New hire orientation 

A deeper dive into substitute teacher requirements. 

As you can see, you need to take several steps in New Jersey to secure a substitute teaching position. Therefore, it can take some time to be cleared to begin work once you apply for a job. The Kelly Education team will work with you to help you get into the classroom as soon as reasonably possible. 

Let’s take a closer look at the requirements, including the estimated costs and timeframes to complete each item. 

Education verification.

To become a substitute teacher in New Jersey, candidates must have completed at least 30 college credit hours from a nationally accredited college or university. 

Candidates will need to provide verification of enrollment or transcripts as part of the pre-employment process. Some colleges or universities charge a fee for transcripts, generally $10 to $15. Once requested, the transcripts are typically received in 3 to 5 days. 


New Jersey requires all substitute teachers to have a New Jersey Teaching License or Substitute Certification. You are eligible for a substitute teacher certification if you’ve completed at least 30 college credits. To receive the certification, you must also pass a criminal history background check, including fingerprinting. 

You don’t need a substitute credential to become a substitute teacher if you hold a Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing (CEAS), an administrative or educational services certificate, an instructional Certificate of Eligibility (CE), or a standard instructional certificate. 

Employment verification.

An I-9 form is used to verify employment eligibility in the U.S. All candidates must complete one and show two proofs of valid I.D. as part of the process. An I-9 form takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. If you work through a Kelly Education recruiter, they will walk you through what’s required to complete the form. 

Background check and fingerprinting. 

New Jersey requires a criminal history report (fingerprinting) for all substitute teacher applicants. The approval date of the background check must be within five months of the substitute teacher application for license issuance. 

The total fee for the background screening is $77. Candidates who’ve been fingerprinted previously for New Jersey Public Schools, after March 2003, may be eligible to transfer or archive existing fingerprints. The cost for this would range from $6 – $30.  

Additionally, Kelly Education runs an internal background check which includes the National Sex Offender Registry and 30-year criminal search.   

New Jersey also requires all substitute teachers to get a TB test. The test must be administered within the last six months of the application date. You can get this test at your physician’s office, urgent care clinic, or most pharmacies. Both blood and skin tests are acceptable options. You should receive your TB results immediately following the test. Applicants must provide the test results with their application. 


No statewide training is required to become a substitute teacher in New Jersey. However, it is Kelly Education policy that all prospective substitute teachers complete training to support their success on the job. 

At Kelly Education, we value preparation and want our substitute teachers to feel confident one day one in our schools. That’s why we require candidates to complete a free online ClassSmarts training, a valuable resource that takes about 1.5 hours to complete. Additionally, our New Hire Orientation training is crucial to familiarize you with Kelly Education and district-specific procedures and policies. 

Getting started with Kelly Education and our school district partners.

Kelly Education works with school districts throughout New Jersey to provide quality substitute teachers, and our team looks forward to working with you to launch your substitute teaching career. You can get started by filling out our interest form. From there, a Kelly Education recruiter will reach out to answer any questions you may have and explain the next steps to becoming a substitute teacher in New Jersey. 

Are you ready to make a difference with flexible work that matters? Visit myKelly to learn more! 

* Information subject to change. This is a general guideline. School districts may have more requirements, in addition to state requirements.

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