Why Temporary Jobs are Good for Your Career

Man sitting at corner desk in a group workstation
Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you’re about to start your job search, it might be worth considering temping — accepting several subsequent short-term positions at different companies. Here’s why:

  • You can fill a résumé gap: If you’re between jobs, temping can be a great way to ensure you remain employed so there’s no gap on your résumé. This will be a big plus when you interview for a permanent position.
  • You can reduce the financial stress of being out of work: Taking on temp positions brings in more money than being unemployed. In fact, some temp roles are better paid than the same permanent roles. And when you don’t have to worry about money, you’ll have more time to look for the permanent position that’s right for you.
  • You can acquire new skills: Oftentimes, you’ll learn one or more new skills in a temp position — whether that’s a company-specific process or how to use a tool that’s new to the industry. The more skills you have, the more you can list on your résumé.
  • You can gain more experience: In a temporary position, you can be faced with tasks and assignments that challenge your skills and allow you to grow. And that’s certainly better than allowing your skills to grow stale as you look for work.
  • You can grow your network: Working in multiple companies will allow you to establish relationships with many different people. As FlexJobs points out, it’s important to nurture those relationships if you want to leverage your network during your job search or later on in your career.
  • You can get your foot in the door: Sometimes, you can’t get a permanent job at the company of your dreams — but you can get a temporary one. In the long run, that can be the all-important first step to being considered for a permanent role.
  • You can try a new direction: If you’re thinking of a career shift, temping is a good way to test the waters of a different industry. By working for shorter periods of time at various companies, you can gain a good overall impression of the industry and whether or not you want to pursue a career in it.
  • You’ll enjoy more flexibility: Many temp workers find it easier to maintain a good work-life balance than regular employees. For example, you can take a few days between different positions or even accept part-time positions if you like.
  • You can get new references: Because temping will allow you to work with more people and under multiple supervisors, it’s an excellent way to make a good impression and find people who are willing to act as a reference on your behalf.

On top of all of this, temping can be the confidence boost you need to land that permanent job you might be after. So, for these reasons—and more—we believe temporary and contract work can be a better way to work and live.

And we’re proud to be a trusted partner for those who embrace this modern way of working and growing. 

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